Christina E Skeehan

Visual literacy has been part of society constantly but has grown exponentially in the last century with the development of TV, photography, media and internet. Images are bombard upon us at every turn. Taking that reality and filtering it through my own thoughts and experiences is how I have learned to see the world around me. Isolating single moments of unexpected beauty in daily life is what inspires me; in the same vain as magical realism in literature. The images are full of symbols and metaphors that add depth to the significance to help in the difficultly of communication. The visual language makes statements at different levels that verbal falls short.
The art of story telling is present throughout history, but has become muted or glazed over in current society. I do not expect the general public to know the tales that the imagery is referencing but to trigger some curiosity in the viewer.

Art is beautiful by virtue of the intentions they reflect- the idea in the artist’s mind